Android devices and podcast streaming support is poor

  • 19 June 2021
  • 2 replies

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I have yet to find an elegant way of getting podcasts onto my sonos system.

My latest attempt is to stream from my android device but Sonos seems to require that the podcasts are stored in a specific folder. But no podcast apps on android seem to use that folder to store the actual podcast file. So again I am struggling to find a way of getting this to work.

I tried linking my sonos account to my pocketcasts account but that never seems to refresh the subscribed podcast list.

Why is it seemingly so difficult to get podcasts on sonos?

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2 replies

Why is it seemingly so difficult to get podcasts on sonos?

I suspect that part f the answer is that sonos was originally designed to play music.  It sounds like you have explored most of the options, but I’ll link this help sheet anyway:


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Managed to get a decent solution. Part of the problem was that pocket cast podcast subscriptions need to be set up on their website rather than their android app. This then makes them visible in the sonos app - hurrah!