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Very strange network issue with my Arc!

  • 17 July 2023
  • 4 replies

Attention Sonos Community,

I'm in need of some serious assistance, and I'm hoping you can help me out with my predicament. Here's the situation:

I recently received the Roam as a Father's Day gift, and I've been enjoying playing music through both my home theater setup (Arc + 2 Ones) and the Roam simultaneously. However, I encountered a major issue today that has left me scratching my head.

After briefly streaming music through AirPlay to both my home theater and the Roam, I noticed that my home theater stopped playing audio, while the Roam continued to function normally. I attempted to reconnect my home theater via AirPlay, but to my dismay, I received a vague error message on my iPhone.

In my desperation to find a solution, I went through an extensive troubleshooting process, including multiple router resets, reaching out to customer support, and even unplugging and reconnecting the Arc. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to work, and I eventually resorted to performing a factory reset. However, during the post-reset setup, I encountered another roadblock: I kept receiving an error message claiming that my WiFi password was incorrect, despite being certain that it was entered correctly (and I can't emphasize this enough).

In order to avoid writing an even longer post detailing my troubleshooting journey, I decided to temporarily hardwire my Arc to my Xfinity xFi gateway as a last-ditch effort. Miraculously, this approach worked flawlessly, allowing me to complete the initial setup without any issues.

Nevertheless, I would much prefer not to rely on a hardwired connection for my Arc. The problem arises when I attempt to disconnect the Ethernet cable from my Arc and add it back to my network. Once again, I encounter the same frustrating error regarding my network password's supposed incorrectness!

To summarize my dilemma in a nutshell: Why does my Arc only function properly when it's hardwired?

I'm hoping that someone in this wonderful community has encountered a similar situation or possesses the expertise to shed some light on this perplexing matter. Your insights, advice, or suggestions would be immensely appreciated, as I'm eager to find a resolution that doesn't involve a wired connection for my Arc.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance! I'm looking forward to hearing from you and hopefully finding a solution together."

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4 replies

Have you run a systems diagnostic after it was connected via Ethernet cable, and provided that to Sonos? 

There are two possibilities in my mind. One being that your router got switched inadvertently to a type of WiFi signal that the Sonos can’t interpret, or that there is some sort of hardware failure in the Sonos itself. Not impossible, but certainly less likely than the first. 

I only provided the diagnostics to support when it was wireless. My chat was interrupted because I rebooted my router mid-session. 

I’ll start a new support thread tomorrow. Hopefully they can pull that info from the logs.

Also, Sonos has a tech savvy user base that would love the ability to view logs without a support case/chat!

I’ve never seen a diagnostic, but have to assume that there is some PID in it that GDPR would get cross at Sonos for sharing, even if it was ‘ok’ by the user. 

Refrain from any more Factory Resets without further consult.

You should be able to update the WiFi credentials.