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syncing voice to picture

  • 4 February 2024
  • 4 replies

I occasionally have issues with the voice and picture not syncing. I have tried the TV Dialogue Sync on the app but still can’t them to sync.  

any ideas on what is causing the issue?

What is your source? 

I have a Samsung QLED Smart tv which is one year old which is connected to a current Rogers Infinite tv box which is about 18 months old. 

My experience with TV voice sync in general is poor. This is not a SONOS specific issue. By the early 1940’s the movie industry had developed standards and voice sync is always correct. The computer and video industries have never come together with rules. I’ve been standing in the master control room of a local TV station and remarked about the poor voice sync that I was observing in the control room. The crew simply glared at me -- indicating that I simply didn’t “get it”. Voice was already out of sync before the transmission left the station. I’ve been told that voice sync is better in Europe than the US. 

My experience has been that movie channels have better and more consistent voice sync than other cable TV content. For me, voice sync, with or without SONOS, varies from channel to channel and program to program. If voice consistently leads the picture a relatively simple Dialog Sync can insert a delay. I’ve encountered cable boxes where the video leads the audio and nothing can be done to synchronize them.

I know that I’m not being very optimistic. I’m not familiar with your Rogers cable box. There may be an audio sync adjustment in your cable box. One cable box that I came across required a 250ms adjustment on some content -- in addition to the SONOS Dialog Sync!. Then a few minutes later this level of adjustment was obviously wrong.

If you dig around you can find some “fires” burning with respect to SAMSUNG TV’s and voice sync. The discussions I’ve seen are a little stale and may not pertain to your model. Here is a general discussion I found that offers some suggestions. Note that I disagree with one detail in the discussion: When rebooting a SAMSUNG TV keep power cord removed from power for at least two minutes.

Thanks Buzz for the very informative message. 

I have changed the HDMI cable from the TV to the Beam and found in settings for the Samsung a control to adjust  - Digital Output Audio Delay - which adjusts the delay time beteeen audio and video.  I made a bit of change for the channel that seems to be the most affected and things seem fine but will check a few other programs on that channel to see if the issue has been resolved. 

Technology is great - until it isn’t!!! 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


Thanks again.