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Hi all,

I bought an Arc + Sub Gen 3 bundle last week. Unfortunately since I’ve started using it, the standby noise from the Sub has been unbearable; I know there’s normally a slight hum/whine with almost all electronics, but this is loud to the point that it’s distracting me from the other side of a quiet 8m room. I have to switch it off or physically unplug it each time I stop using it for a while, which is… not a great user experience.

I’ve tried factory resetting, disconnecting from the Arc, using different wall sockets, swapping the power cables between the Arc and Sub, everything I can think of. The hum is independent of volume.

I’ve recorded it here: At 14 seconds I switch the Sub off (via the app) so you can hear the background noise alone (along with the quiet hiss and few random quiet ticks it makes even when off).

I’m also a bit concerned by other comments that I’ve seen that returned units can be replaced with B stock - is this true? I only received it 5 days ago, so if it needed to be RMA’d then getting a second hand one back would be a bit galling…

Any help would be much appreciated!


EDIT - forgot to mention, the Arc is completely silent.

That is definitely not normal for the Sub.  Return it for a new one.  You are still in the return period, so the replacement will not be a refurbished model.  Refurbished are used for warranty and out of warranty replacements.

As to the Arc being silent, are you positive it's connected to an ARC capable HDMI port?

Regardless of how ARC is connected to the TV, you should be able to play other sources, such as Internet Radio.

As to the Arc being silent, are you positive it's connected to an ARC capable HDMI port?

Sorry my bad - I meant silent when on standby, i.e. no hum/static! The Arc sounds great, I’ve been really impressed by it. 😁

Thanks for the advice, I’ll give Sonos a call tomorrow to arrange a return.