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Hello :)


I currently own the Sonos Arc Ultra. This is my first Sonos product. I have already asked google about my problem and searched here in the forum but have not found anything suitable.

My left and right speakers are extremely quiet. I first noticed this when I was watching normal TV. There were two channels that were broadcasting "Stereo PCM" according to the Sonos app. I had to turn the volume up from 10 to 20-26 so that I could hear anything at all. Then I turned on a 5.1 Dolby test video on YouTube to test the whole thing. I immediately noticed that as soon as the sound moved from the center to the left and right speakers, the volume was half as low. However, the Sonos app displayed 5.1. This leads me to the conclusion that it is only due to the left and right speakers.

I have already swapped HDMI cables. Switched everything off, restarted and checked all settings 3-4 times... Soundbar has already been replaced once because of the error. No improvement. 

Interestingly, I didn't have this problem with the Bose Ultra or the Samsung Q990C.
Can anyone check this with the Arc Ultra? Is this the case for everyone? Or is the fault more likely to be mine? 

Here are the two 5.1 videos I used for testing:

Would be nice if someone could test this for themselves. 

Kind regards

Hi ​@KylanX 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

I was able to recreate the experience you are reporting with my own Arc Ultra with the centre channel sounding louder than the side channels.

Given the feedback that the previous Arc model received, I believe this is intentional.

There are three main improvements to dialogue with Arc Ultra via the placement of mids and tweeters and waveguides

  • One is Improved dialogue through standing wave mitigation with the integration of the  Left, Center, and Right  array
  • Improvements to dialogue are expected through adding a waveguide to the center channel and improving evenness of coverage using re-thought left and right arrays
  • The all-new speech enhancement feature. This gives customers more customization on the dialogue level they wish to listen.

In addition, I believe what you experienced with Stereo PCM is also expected - my nVidia Shield (the Android streaming box) has a dedicated setting just for boosting the volume of PCM sources to the same level as that of Dolby Digital, so I think this and what I mentioned above is compounding to make the Stereo PCM source sound even quieter. You may be able to circumvent this somewhat by telling your TV to always output a specific codec (like Dolby Digital +), but this may have unintended consequences (like preventing better quality formats like TrueHD or McLPCM).

I hope this helps.

First of all, thank you very much for testing and your detailed reply. I really appreciate it. 
As you write it, the Arc Ultra really does seem to work as intended.
Then I'll be happy with that and the topic can be closed. 

Many thanks again :)
Best regards 
