Prior to the new Sonos app, when speech enhancement was turned on, it stayed on until turned off. Now I find it gets turned off randomly so I end up checking it every time my television is turned on. Curious if anyone else has experienced this.
Thanks for reporting this! I have not heard of this issue before now and I’d like to take a look at things for you.
When you next see this issue, please submit a support diagnostic and let me know here when you have done so, and I’ll see what we can figure out. Please don’t post the number given at the end of the process - I will find it without.
Same problem here since the update.
Same here. Also happening with true play and night sound. I open the app and see that they’re turned off even though I always keep on.
Hi Cory - I just noticed this happened again. I just sent a diagnostic a few mins ago after I noticed it. I also sent one with the speech enhancement on on 07.22.24. Hope this proves useful.
For visibility :)
Thanks for that. In our own testing, we have been unable to reproduce the issue you describe. In addition, in the diagnostics you sent, it is reported that speech enhancement is still on - if it is saying otherwise in the app, I think this might be more to do with communication between the app and the Arc, rather than the setting itself actually deactivating.
Or, the Arc is just confused. I first recommend rebooting the Arc by unplugging it from power for a short time. It’s possible this will fix it and you need go no further.
If that doesn’t clear the issue, I recommend improving the connection between the Arc and the Boost, though this may be easier said than done. Presently, the signal between them is fairly weak, and 20% of all traffic is having to be reattempted due to failures in reception. If you can get the Boost any closer to the Arc, or if you imagine a straight line between them and remove as many objects on that line as you can, that should help.
Another easy change to make that would have fairly drastic (but easily undoable) effect is to remove the ethernet connection to your Boost (and as a consequence, the other wired speaker). This will make your whole Sonos system use your mesh WiFi for connections, rather than just half of it, and may improve matters (after a couple of minutes wait) for you. Please test your entire system before deciding to stick with this connection method. To undo this change, you need do no more than reconnect the ethernet cable and wait another couple of minutes.
I hope this helps.
Thank you. I will try unplugging the arc as you suggested. If I still see the issue, I can take the boost out of the configuration as I don’t need a wired speaker. We’ll see what happens. Also, if what you are saying is correct and the speech enhancement is still on even though the app indicates it is off, I should hear no difference in sound if I turn enhancement back on in the app. Correct?
Also, if what you are saying is correct and the speech enhancement is still on even though the app indicates it is off, I should hear no difference in sound if I turn enhancement back on in the app. Correct?
Yes, and I should have asked this - apologies! Do you hear a difference when turning it back on?
Haven’t paid close attention to know for sure but I will if this happens again
Hi, I have the exact same issue with my arc HT system. The speech enhancement periodically turns off, and all other app settings reset to default (eq, trueplay, surround vol etc). They are restored if I reset the app, but this is a real pain tbh! I have spent many hours with Sonos support on this and I can only assume that it’s a bug with the new app. It never happened until relatively recently.
is anyone else having this issue?
Hi, I have the exact same issue with my arc HT system. The speech enhancement periodically turns off, and all other app settings reset to default (eq, trueplay, surround vol etc). They are restored if I reset the app, but this is a real pain tbh! I have spent many hours with Sonos support on this and I can only assume that it’s a bug with the new app. It never happened until relatively recently.
is anyone else having this issue?
Same for me, speech enhancement vanished along with the other settings, only comes back after closing/opening the App.
Took some screen shots

Cory - taking your first suggestion, I unplugged my Arc for a minute or so and plugged back in. I went two days without seeing speech enhancement turn off. Yesterday it turned off and did so again this evening. You’ll find a diagnostic for this evenings incident. It did seem to me that the dialogue got clearer when I turned enhancement back on.
Thanks! I’ve passed the diagnostic along to my colleague.
Could you all please submit a support diagnostic after recreating this issue (and before fixing it) and let me know here when you have done so? Please do not post the given numbers. Thanks.
the app now shows all settings reset to default (true play = off, eq’s = 0, surround and height vol = 0. I have not yet reconfigured the settings to my preference.
I’ve submitted a diagnostic, but this is slightly different.
While playing music on my Five and Move the Groups have vanished. Again came back after closing/opening the App

Also not seen the Speech Enhancment issue with the TV room since l mentioned it 3 or 4 days back
Thank you all for your assistance, We have identified the issue and are now investigating. There’s no ETA for a fix, but I will update this this thread once one is in place.
Thanks again.
Sounds good. Look forward to seeing the resolution.
Having this issue as well since the recent big app update. Please let us know when the bug fix is deployed, thanks!
Release notes for recent iOS update (8/6, 2 days ago):
“Improved reliability for speech enhancement and night mode settings on iOS”
Hopeful that this addresses the issue...
Hi All. Just to let you know that the issue still exists after the app updates.
Hi l too have noticed that the speech enhancement appears to have regressed to switching itself off.
Looks like the latest up date has taken the fix out.
Update just monitored the app which watching TV
2154 opened app, speech was OFF
2156 switched speech ON and closed app
2221 opened app & found speech had switched itself OFF
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