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Hi Team,

We recently bought a new house and decide to put speakers throughout the house since we are working from home more these days.

We have a Boost plugged directly into the router for improved wi-fi range and also have the Arc plugged into the router (via network cables and ports)

Diagnostic - 1804714482

Any help would be awesome :)

- Rich

Perhaps as a starter for you, it might be worthwhile seeing what WiFi channels the router is using and if it’s set to ‘Auto-Select’ a WiFi channel, then ‘fix’ its 2.4ghz to a non-overlapping channel - 1, 6 or 11. Also ‘fix’ the 5ghz Channel to either channel 36 or 48.


When that’s done, set the SonosNet channel in the Sonos App “Settings/System/Network” so that it is at least 5 channels away from the chosen routers 2.4ghz WiFi channel.


Ensure any Sonos wired or unwired devices are set at least 3 to 4 feet away from other wireless products, particularly keep them well away from the router, or any network access points (if using).


If you do have any ‘other’ WiFi access points around and about the place, then set their WiFi bands  SSID/password/credentials to the same as the main router and also use the same WiFi channels as the main router too. Then see how the system performs after doing that.

Hi @Rich McNabb, Thanks for reaching out, and welcome to the community. Thanks for sending a diagnostic report of your Sonos system, Sorry to hear about this issue on Audio dropouts on your speakers, Does it happen only in Spotify or also on other Music services? Upon checking the diagnostic information, it shows that there is Interference within the connections and Office Rich (L) is offline and not connected to the network. Kindly power cycle or unplug that speaker for 1-2 minutes from the power source and plug it back in. Also, check this article about reducing wireless interference that may help with this issue. You may also change the Sonosnet channel to 1,6, or 11 and check for any improvements.

Let us know how it goes and we're here to answer any further questions you have.


Hi Ken & Simon,

Thanks for your responses.


I can confirm now I’m running the following configuration based off of your suggestions:

  • The router is set to Channel 1
  • Sonosnet is set to Channel 6


I have a couple of follow-up questions:

  1. I have a Boost plugged into the back of the router - should that be placed 3-4 feet away or is it designed to work in close proximity to routers?
  2. I also have an ARC should this be plugged in via a network cable or wi-fi is fine? I only have one spare network port available behind the TV, so it would mean the TV is on the LAN and the ARC in on Wi-Fi (or the other way around) not both on the LAN at the same time?


I hope that makes sense :)

- Rich

Hi Ken & Simon,

I have a couple of follow-up questions:

  1. I have a Boost plugged into the back of the router - should that be placed 3-4 feet away or is it designed to work in close proximity to routers?
  2. I also have an ARC should this be plugged in via a network cable or wi-fi is fine? I only have one spare network port available behind the TV, so it would mean the TV is on the LAN and the ARC in on Wi-Fi (or the other way around) not both on the LAN at the same time?

- Rich

The Boost is cabled to the router, but should be placed away from the router so that it’s SonosNet signal does not interfere with the routers WiFi signal. Three feet away should be fine, but ‘usually’... the further away the better.

I would personally choose to cable the TV and leave the Arc running on WiFi (it should be fine). See how that goes, you can always try swapping the cable, if you do see any issues