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Sonos update ruined my tv connection

The most recent sonos update ruined the connection with my TV. It’s only good for music now and I don’t listen to music at home. How do I undo the update?

There is no rollback option with regards to the Sonos App. Can you be a bit more specific with the issue with your TV audio?

What appears to be happening since the update is that Sonos doesn’t recognize my tv until I disconnect the hdmi arc cable and then plug it back in.  Then the “audio tv” appears in Sonos so I can go in and add the amp and other speakers.  Seems like it should recognize it as soon as I open the app.

The new app is completely garbage and makes me regret going with Sonos at all. 

Like you, my TVs are all now disconnected from their speakers (a mix of Arcs and Beams). The TVs don’t even see the Sonos components any longer. 

And that’s before you get to Sonos making its app borderline unusable in its organization. Worst UI I’ve seen in a decade.


All of which is to say I will never buy an app controlled AV device again. This just proves that a company could at any time take a wrecking ball to the entire system at any time for no reason at all.

It seems like Sonos, at the very least, would respond to these concerns and tell us why they did what they did and how users benefit from the changes . . . and how to make our systems functional again.  If they can’t do that then some nut job is simply taking the company down a path to ruin and should be fired.  Too often people get promoted to their level of incompetence.

Whilst I don’t think much has changed on the Sonos hardware side and I personally cannot see why the Sonos App would be relevant to an HDMi wired connection to s soundbar, I’d perhaps first explore and see if if something is stealing away the TV’s CEC protocol focus by ‘temporarily’ disconnecting devices from the TV’s ‘other’ HDMI ports and rebooting the TV and soundbar, but if no joy, then go onto submit a Sonos system diagnostic report from within the Sonos App, note it’s reference and then contact/chat with Sonos Support via this LINK to discuss the matter in detail and see what the Staff can perhaps suggest to resolve the matter.

lol. It literally happened on multiple Beams connected to different TVs on the day of the update. And several others have reported the same issue.

lol. It literally happened on multiple Beams connected to different TVs on the day of the update. And several others have reported the same issue.

There’s been some other owners reporting the same thing. Can’t enable auto play on the new app either. This app 

lol. It literally happened on multiple Beams connected to different TVs on the day of the update. And several others have reported the same issue.

There’s been some other owners reporting the same thing. Can’t enable auto play on the new app either. This app 

If "autoplay" is the issue here,  then bringing the HT room in ‘focus’ and selecting the ‘TV icon’ under ‘Your Sources’ in the App should work - so maybe those here that have the issue, can perhaps try that?🤔

Whilst I don’t think much has changed on the Sonos hardware side and I personally cannot see why the Sonos App would be relevant to an HDMi wired connection to s soundbar, I’d perhaps first explore and see if if something is stealing away the TV’s CEC protocol focus by ‘temporarily’ disconnecting devices from the TV’s ‘other’ HDMI ports and rebooting the TV and soundbar, but if no joy, then go onto submit a Sonos system diagnostic report from within the Sonos App, note it’s reference and then contact/chat with Sonos Support via this LINK to discuss the matter in detail and see what the Staff can perhaps suggest to resolve the matter.


It is becoming very clear that there are many users who have no desire to actually do some basic troubleshooting to get systems working again. But they have the energy to complain.. most jumping on someone else's post to add something negative, that presents no solution.

Is there an expectation, with ALL the different types of network gear out there, that everything should just work on every network? I don't think that is possible, so some work on the users part should also be expected. Each model of speaker has the same hardware, so it makes sense if users are having issues, weather its with the network or device connection, that they should also check their other devices as well.

There are many solutions already offered in this community for certain issues.. users just need to do a little work and search. Is the app perfect, NO. But complaining just to complain will not make it any better. Its like someone joining a protest just be be a part of the protest, even if you don't believe in what the protest is about.

Thanks for the Pic @Ken_Griffiths, found it, just had to scroll to the bottom. Was a little hard to find so placing at the top of the page would help avoid confusion. 

I did contact support and after an hour of unuseful support, I kept playing around with the app and made it work, at least for one day.  The next day it was down again.  Another hour of “playing around “ and I think I’ve sort of figured out how to keep it working until it doesn’t.  The point of my question was why did I have to spend several hours with my trial and error approach when I had a system that was already working and has been working for a couple of years?  I didn’t need an update, especially one that changed things so drastically that it wasn’t obvious what to do to make it all work again.  Surely the design team must have tested it first with some beta volunteers. . . or did they just test it within their own “expert group” ignoring the problems an average user might have?  I have a day job and work many hours.  I didn’t enjoy coming home after a long day and have to struggle with the Sonos (and my wife didn’t appreciate it either).  I spent good money for the Sonos system and spent the requisite time setting it properly the first time.  I didn’t expect to have to do it again.  Had I known that, I never would have purchased it in the first place.  There was not even a heads up that a significant change was coming or any instructions on how to deal with the changes.  Don’t blame us.  Sonos is to blame for this one.