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Hi guys,


I just bought the Sonos Arc and the new Sub Gen 3 and I paired them with 2 Sonos One (Gen 1) speakers for the surround setup.

Yesterday I noticed that while idling and playing, there are some tiny constant crackling/static/electric current sounds coming from the brand new Sub and I found it quite irritating. So what I did first was to make sure that the connection with the power cord is secure, which it was. Then I tried to remove the Sub from the group, factory reset it and added it back to the system. But the same issue persists.

I don’t suppose this is normal, right? Does anyone has a similar issue with the new Sub?

I’ve checked my Sonos Arc, One and Beam and none of them has this issue.

Since I just bought it from Best Buy last week, should I return it and get a new one to see if it’s something wrong with the one I’ve got? 

It’s not a cheap device and I don’t want to compromise on its quality.


Thank you all!


Yes, exactly and it also happened to other guys in this thread. I told them I don’t want another replacement with the same issue as it’s just more work for me to return the problematic units.

The escalation support team did guarantee that once they iron out the issues, they will send me one with perfect condition. But they can’t commit to any timeline right now.

You should contact them and log your case, you can cite my case number, I’ll DM that to you as Sonos community moderator always hide that for security reason.

Hi All,

Just want to add here that I’m experiencing these crackling/hissing/static current noises as well. Going to contact Sonos support first thing next morning. Very disappointed with the Gen 3 because of this, it just started to make these weird noises this week. I made videos with the noises clearly audible and I will not accept this for a product in this premium price range. 


Bigger question is, this is starting to look like a widely spread problem for Sonos. I’m curious if they’re going to make a public statement for all of us. 


Cheers everyone. 

Hi Everyone and @andrewchiu1st ,


Just got back from the call with Sonos Netherlands, a 50 minute long one… The lady of the support team checked out my problem and asked me to send several diagnostics and audio recordings with the problem. I sent one recording and diagnostic report with the sub in standby mode and one with the sub in use. 


Now the next thing is new: Sonos is going to setup a research in the Netherlands as well, so there’s another team looking into this problem. Team Canada and Holland are now working together as “The A-Team” haha!

For now there’s no solution, it’s stil in research as we await the outcome. For everyone with a Gen 3 Sub, check if you have these issues too! The more people who get involved, the quicker this issue gets solved. For everyone with this problem ask Andrew and me for the Sonos support ticket numbers so you can be added to the list of people who are experiencing these troubles. 


For now I’m feeling a bit down by this, as this is not the experience I would like to have when spending hundred of euros on top of the line home cinema speakers. But then again, it’s good that Sonos is looking into it and I hope to hear from them soon. 



Update on my end. I have reached out to Sonos multiple times and it seems like they aren’t able to offer a replacement once the hardware issues have been worked out. I have referenced case numbers and the situation of others on this thread, but it doesn’t seem to make any difference. I will need to go with a replacement that will be sent out as soon as I accept it. I was assured by the agent that the sub is tested and verified to be free of defects prior to being shipping out. I feel like doing this is a little risky as I don’t want to keep sending subs back and forth with Sonos with the same issue, and I really doubt Sonos wants to waste time and money doing this as well. I’m thinking if I receive a replacement that has the same issue then that’s when my situation would be elevated to a higher tier and the engineers would be involved. What a hassle this has become!


Thanks for the update! It’s a bit of a surprise to me that each country’s support team is working separately. But it’s great to see that they are working together and sharing the information.

It seems to me that the problem is more widespread than I thought, Canada, US, UK, and Netherlands.


Did they say that they will not offer you a replacement? That’s actually what the support guy I’m in contact with promised me, but I guess it will take some time to manufacture the new SUB if they are able to iron out the issue. But I agree, it’s a lot of hassle for a premium product.

@andrewchiu1st - Oh no, they are certainly offering a replacement, but it would be one they already have on hand. Not one that has been manufactured with the hardware fixes in place. I suppose each countries’ support team is handling it differently.

Hi All ( @andrewchiu1st  @cstyow )

Great to hear your updates, but what a hassle all of this…

Just got answered by Sonos in the Netherlands just a day after I sent the audio recordings. They stated: “The ticking/crackling is clearly audible. The problem you’re experiencing is under investigation with us right now. We hope to fix this issue with the next software update.”

Sonos in the Netherlands thinks the issue is cause by software, so they think they can probably fix it with a software update. I doubt this, so I replied: “I heard rumours about a hardware issue on the Sonos Community, but you think this is a software problem?” and “Do you have a time indication about how long this software fix is going to take and when it will be available? Also, is the Sub Gen 3 in this state safely usable and won’t it damage itself?”


I will keep you posted, but what do you think about this story?


Cheers guys!


Thanks for the update! It’s a bit of a surprise to me that each country’s support team is working separately. But it’s great to see that they are working together and sharing the information.

It seems to me that the problem is more widespread than I thought, Canada, US, UK, and Netherlands.


Did they say that they will not offer you a replacement? That’s actually what the support guy I’m in contact with promised me, but I guess it will take some time to manufacture the new SUB if they are able to iron out the issue. But I agree, it’s a lot of hassle for a premium product.

This was a suprise for me as well, strange that they have seperate investigation teams. But somehow it makes sense, 230/110v systems different AC frequencies and so on? 

I’m kinda worried about the spreading of this as well!

Wow ,i planed to buy Sonos SUB 3 next week,and i stumble on this thread. It seems i will wait for revision 2

Hi All ( @andrewchiu1st  @cstyow )

Great to hear your updates, but what a hassle all of this…

Just got answered by Sonos in the Netherlands just a day after I sent the audio recordings. They stated: “The ticking/crackling is clearly audible. The problem you’re experiencing is under investigation with us right now. We hope to fix this issue with the next software update.”

Sonos in the Netherlands thinks the issue is cause by software, so they think they can probably fix it with a software update. I doubt this, so I replied: “I heard rumours about a hardware issue on the Sonos Community, but you think this is a software problem?” and “Do you have a time indication about how long this software fix is going to take and when it will be available? Also, is the Sub Gen 3 in this state safely usable and won’t it damage itself?”


I will keep you posted, but what do you think about this story?


Cheers guys!

I have a hard time believing that the issue is caused by the software. Because the very moment that you plug the SUB into the electrical outlet out of the box, you will be able to hear the noise. And the team in the US/CA has confirmed that this is a hardware issue that they are working on at the moment.

I’m guessing realistically this is going to take a couple of months before they can iron out the issue.


Hi All ( @andrewchiu1st  @cstyow )

Great to hear your updates, but what a hassle all of this…

Just got answered by Sonos in the Netherlands just a day after I sent the audio recordings. They stated: “The ticking/crackling is clearly audible. The problem you’re experiencing is under investigation with us right now. We hope to fix this issue with the next software update.”

Sonos in the Netherlands thinks the issue is cause by software, so they think they can probably fix it with a software update. I doubt this, so I replied: “I heard rumours about a hardware issue on the Sonos Community, but you think this is a software problem?” and “Do you have a time indication about how long this software fix is going to take and when it will be available? Also, is the Sub Gen 3 in this state safely usable and won’t it damage itself?”


I will keep you posted, but what do you think about this story?


Cheers guys!

Looking forward to your update. I am also from The Netherlands and am holding back on buying after seeing multiple of these issues on this forum and Reddit…. 


Hope a conclusive solution is found soon! 



I have the sub gen 3 as well and notice this sound, it’s like a buzz or cracking electrical type sound, although I must say for me I can’t hear it unless I put my ear as near to the opening as possible, so not really been an issue for me.

In any case whatever the issue hopefully its not a hardware fault.

@andrewchiu1st @smaes 

Well against my better judgement based on the information I had gathered on this issue and hearing from everyone else’s experiences, I went ahead and got a replacement for my sub as it was really the only option Sonos support had offered me. Sure enough the replacement has the same issue with the added bonus of the crackling sound being a little more pronounced from my last one. I am seriously regretting not returning the sub and just being done with this altogether. I’ll reach back out to support and see what can be done.

Hi folks, thanks for reaching out and welcome to all the new users here in the Sonos Community! We greatly appreciate you being a part of the Sonos family. It is our pleasure.

Just to let you know that some of the third-generation Subs seem to have an audible issue (Ticking/Hissing) that is more prevalent compared to older generation Subs. Our engineering team is currently working on testing and implementing a solution. 

Try to put your ear near the opening and have a quiet room to test as well. If you think you’ve done enough to play around with the Sub like playing different contents from TV and music in the Sonos app, rebooting, pairing with different Sonos if possible, resetting to its factory settings, and if still the same, subscribe to this channel and will notify you all as soon as we have a concrete next step. You can also call 800-680-2345 from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 9 pm ET. We appreciate your patience and understanding. 

Please let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with. We and the community are always here.

From Denmark, I can confirm having the same issue with a unit just received yesterday. 

@Krishma M Thanks so much for responding and giving us an update! I am very relieved to have a statement from Sonos regarding the ticking/hissing issue on g3 subs. I reached out to support on the phone, but the rep seemed incapable of understanding the situation when I explained it multiple times and tried to say that the noise was not abnormal. I will keep out an eye for an update and eagerly await a solution. Thanks again!

@Krishma M Thanks for a statement finally from Sonos itself!

We got a software update this week, but this did not solve the problem. My concerns are raising again if this will be fixable with a software update. I’m also kind of surprised that the problem affects some Gen 3’s and not all. Can’t we just get a replacement unit instead of waiting for a “software fix”? Also, is there any information on a time frame for this fix?

Not very pleased at this moment since I’ve not heard a single update from Sonos Netherlands support team since I called them and sent the audio files recorded. At the end of the day I’ve bought a sub of €799 with a defect. Premium product, no premium service until now. 


Would be great to hear from you! 



Hi All ( @andrewchiu1st  @cstyow )

Great to hear your updates, but what a hassle all of this…

Just got answered by Sonos in the Netherlands just a day after I sent the audio recordings. They stated: “The ticking/crackling is clearly audible. The problem you’re experiencing is under investigation with us right now. We hope to fix this issue with the next software update.”

Sonos in the Netherlands thinks the issue is cause by software, so they think they can probably fix it with a software update. I doubt this, so I replied: “I heard rumours about a hardware issue on the Sonos Community, but you think this is a software problem?” and “Do you have a time indication about how long this software fix is going to take and when it will be available? Also, is the Sub Gen 3 in this state safely usable and won’t it damage itself?”


I will keep you posted, but what do you think about this story?


Cheers guys!

Looking forward to your update. I am also from The Netherlands and am holding back on buying after seeing multiple of these issues on this forum and Reddit…. 


Hope a conclusive solution is found soon! 




Hi! Great to se a fellow Dutchman on this thread! Will keep you updated, but not looking great at the moment I’m afraid.. 

They are still investigating the problem and the latest software update didn’t fix it, no time frame given or whatsoever.



I have had my sub Gen 3 nearly a month now and it has just developed a ticking noise.

Yesterday I noticed it had dropped offline and disappeared from the app.   

After about 6 attempts to find it I eventually had to reset it twice before it could be found and re-added..   

Now it appears to be making a ticking noise.  From new it always had an audible static hum but this was only noticeable when you put your ear in the in the opening, but this ticking noise is much more audible.


I'm hearing the clicking sound as well. I have to get my ear close to the sub. The phone mic seems to pick it up very clear. I'll be contacting support soon. I think I'll wait to request a replacement until they figure out if it is indeed hardware. I noticed it when I put the volume tv to 0 and was sitting by the sub. I wonder how many others may have this same issue and don't notice. 

Have submitted the clicking sound many others have been talking about, to the store where I bought the Gen 3. Will pick up a replacement today and see if the problem remains. Was able to capture the sound quite clearly on the phone and send to the staff in the store, who immediately ordered a new one. Bit worrying that this might be a problem that isn’t resolved with a new unit… :( But very happy to see that others have this problem and I’m not alone….

I’m not sure, but the clicking sound level is different from when the sub is being used or not, as well as with different sources, like an Apple Tv or television. But unsure….

Hi Guys,


Update on my side again.

I contacted Sonos support via a phone call here in the Netherlands and demanded a solution. I did not want to wait for another software update to fix the ticking noise, which I believe can’t be fixed with software. There was still no update on the “investigation” so I told them I wanted to receive a replacement unit. From here on all went well, even got a quick return service.

Next day the new Sub arrived, plugged the unit in straight away and no ticking sound audible. The static sound is there, but only on a level of 5% compared to the 100% of the previous unit. I think the static is coming from the power line here in our house (not a single house has perfect clean electricity). 

For now I’m satisfied with the service I received with my last call with Sonos Netherlands, will keep an “ear” out on the sub! If the problem will appear again after some usage, I’ll update again.

By the looks of it not a problem they can solve with software, try to get your affected units replaced.

I dont know from which source you get idea that power line can cause static noise in sub or speaker. If you have any static it is caused by internal component inside of the unit. There is to many options what causes that. Shielding or power unit ...

I dont know from which source you get idea that power line can cause static noise in sub or speaker. If you have any static it is caused by internal component inside of the unit. There is to many options what causes that. Shielding or power unit ...

By my experience as an audio engineer for the past decade.

I really doubt you have any relations to ”audio engeneering” just because of your statement But, whatever man, if that makes you happy blame power line . Or try to use ferrite chokes