Have read forums but am still struggling and apologies for the ramble but am hoping this triggers something. I have a Home Theater set up with Sonos Arc, Sub Gen 3 and a pair of SLs. All was working fine for a year and half or so but have been having problems since then. The rear Left SL used to keep dropping off the surround set up. I never managed to work out what was going on as it would either remarkably join, or I would do the old “reboot router” trick and that would sometimes work I put it down to the location in my room (I have an Orbi Mesh router with the satellite being in close proximity to the Sonos). I tried to swap the rear left and rear right round and all was fine for a while until the rear Right (the old left) SL disconnected. After reading some forums I connected the Arc via ethernet to the Orbi Satellite and all looked good! I checked the Orbi and based on the ip’s all four Sonos were wired to the Orbi.
The next today the rear right Sonos SL has dropped off again. What is even more confusing is that the Arc now appears to be on wifi, but the Sub and the rear left SL appear to be wired! On the face of things there is something wrong with the rear right Sonos SL but not sure how to resolve. Any ideas appreciated