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1. Scan for devices using Wi-Fi.

2. Sonos Beam detected and chosen.

3. Setup ask me for the correct modell.

A) Sky S14

😎 Origen AE Technology S14V

C) Technicolor S14B

4. I dont know which one to use but none of them manage to commuincate with by Beam.

I have also tried to bypass the Hub (Remote directly to Beam) without success.

So what to do to get it to communicate directly with Beam? I have verified that i'm connected to Wi-Fi.

I know that you could use HDMI ARC on the TV to change volume through the TV but I prefer this and it should work.
My Harmony experience was a little different (same result). All my other Sonos speakers showed up when I did the WiFi search - but not the Beam. I tired manually putting in the information, but Harmony did not recognize it. I’m thinking Harmony isn’t set up for the Beam yet. (don’t know how long it takes for Harmony to recognize new products)

My TV does not have Arc. I use a TiVio remote sometimes and the Harmony at other times. I programmed the Sonos to recognize the TiVo, but it can only recognize one remote. I’d like to get the Harmony remote working too, but maybe I’ll just have to wait.
My guess is that as a brand new product, it's not in Harmony's database yet. If you could tell Harmony that it's a Playbar instead, that might give you the needed functionality until the Beam itself gets added to their database.
Thanks, for the idea. I tried to put in the Playbar. But then when it did it’s wifi search it only showed the three other rooms I have my other Sonos in. No Beam.

Might just have to wait until Harmony updates their database. Thanks again
Thanks for your answers.

I use HDMI ARC for now but I get a really anoying DOUBLE popup from "Anynet+ Sonos Beam" eveytime I change the volume 1 step.
I am interested in a solution as well! Right now I can only pair one remote to adjust the volume and it's super annoying.
Hi everyone, I'll reach out to the team on this one to see what the story is. If I were to hazard a guess, it's likely the same as predicted above, the Harmony software hasn't been updated for the Beam. The product name that is presented over UPnP is S14, which is likely why those three devices are coming up when you search. Obviously, none of those devices will allow the remote to control your Beam, however, the Beam will work through the standard CEC commands sent through the TV by the remote.
Good to knough when using CEC commands.

If you use an AppleTV the HOME and BACK buttons will force the TV to switch to another HDMI-input than wanted.

I solved this by turning off the below setting in the AppleTV.

Settings -> Remotes and Devices -> Control TVs and Receivers
I did the exact same thing, and got the same 3 choices. I think Logitech has to add this to their database. If you are using the HDMI/ARC access and choose TV as the volume controller, the Beam responds just fine. It always takes Logitech a few weeks to catch up with Sonos.
I was on the Logitech forum explaining the same issue. They replied and updated their database this morning, and I was able to see the Beam when I did the WiFi search. Everything now works for me as it’s supposed to.
I was on the Logitech forum explaining the same issue. They replied and updated their database this morning, and I was able to see the Beam when I did the WiFi search. Everything now works for me as it’s supposed to.

Great, thanks for sharing! We'd reached out too and heard it should be going live today.