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SONOS ARC HD Fury Arcana no audio (TV) no audio and image (BR)

  • 30 September 2023
  • 4 replies

My configuration:
• Television: Sony KD55AF8
• BR: Sony UBP X-800
• Sound: SONOS ARC

HD FURY Arcana:
• Firmware 0.82 V2
• HDMI output: HDMI 3 (arc) SONY TV
• eArc out: Original SONOS HDMI cable to SONOS ARC
• HDMI input: HDMI from UBP X-800
All HDMI cables are brand new, High Speed

Until the day before yesterday I had sound with this configuration and I could watch TV, play DVDs and Bluerays WITH image and sound. Not anymore yesterday.

What did I do next:
• Arcana reset to factory settings. No result
• Arcana and SONOS ARC disconnected from power for approximately one minute. No result.
• Removed Arcana and connected SONOS ARC directly to HDMI3 (arc) from SONY AF8. Sound and images on television.

Tried again this morning. Still no picture and sound. Arcana indicates that there is contact between TV and Arcana and BR and arcana. However, no sound.

Then tried to contact the TV via the SONOS APP
Settings – System – Room – TV installation –
Notification: connected to TV
Result: no sound

Are there people who use the HD Fury Arcana and recognize this problem? Could it still be that I am overlooking a setting of the ARC?

Does anyone have a solution?

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Hi @Belfeld, welcome to the Sonos Community!

If you’re getting sound and images without issue when connecting the Sonos Arc directly to your TV, then it’s highly likely there’s an issue with your HD Fury Arcana.

I would recommend you reach out to HD Fury’s support for further assistance. I don’t have a HD Fury Arcana myself, but my reply will bump this thread to recently active where users who may have this device can reply with any solutions they may have.

I hope this helps!

Hello Jamie

Thank you for your response. I, and the HD Fury helpdesk, had already drawn that conclusion. Glad you also came to the same conclusion. The helpdesk has indicated that the device can be replaced. I have already contacted the supplier so I'll have to wait and see what happens. I will share the result in the community. Hope to enjoy the sound of your beautiful ARC and Dolby ATMOS again soon.



Userlevel 2
Badge +4

Any further luck with this?

I just got myself the UBP-X800M2 to replace my Xbox One X as my primary Blu Ray player since Xbox One X blu ray player notoriously doesn't play disks 3 out of 4 times (a known issue which Microsoft refuses to acknowledge - they haven't updated their blu ray app since 2014).

The UBP-X800M2 was meant to be my savior, but unfortunately I am finding the same problem as OP with Dolby Atmos. I can't get Dolby Atmos to pass through from UBP-X800M2 to my Sonos Arc. I have the HD Fury Arcana too, which works perfectly well with the Xbox. I note that the product box only has a logo for "Dolby Audio", not "Dolby Atmos", although Sonys website says this player plays Atmos and the the instructions book mention it (once). Which makes me think Sony quietly removed support of Atmos. 

I paid a premium price for this Sony unit BECAUSE it promised me Atmos, so if I can't figure this out I will be sending it back. 

Maybe if anyone is able to get Atmos out of the UBP you can confirm because I think I might be wasting my time toying with settings.

Userlevel 7


Set your Blu-ray player to these settings:

Digital Audio Output: Auto

BD Secondary Audio: Off

Audio DRC: Off