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I'm Japanese.

I'm translating and asking questions.


I want to make a new connection to set up Trueplay of sonos arc, but no matter how many times I try, I can't proceed without downloading the update.


I tried all the solutions written in the support.


Is there anyone who can solve this problem?

My speaker setup includes the ARC, ONE, ONE SL, and SUB. I haven't done anything special like using a VPN. Suddenly, I was able to update the ARC from the Android SONOS app. A few hours later, I could update the SUB, and a few hours after that, the HDMI connection with the TV was restored.

Was on live chat for about an hour with Sonos today trying to diagnose why I still get error 30.  They said their techs fixed Japan a couple days back, but the guy said clearly it doesn't seem fixed, so they sent the ticket back in again to have it reexamined

Still error 30, 1000 sub gen 3 .


arc updated like 2days ago. 

VPN US didn’t work for sub, this is the third sub from the store 😂
Still have some days until return limit.