No, I am casting from Spotify on phone to “Obyvací pokoj”. This is the name of Sonos Arc. I am not using Sonos app to play Spotify songs (it is not very comfortable).
I can also cast to “Sony TV” and then wihout Sonos it plays from TV speakes. With conneted Sonos it plays from Sonos even when I choose Sony TV.
And there is another issue - in Amazon Music app I see only sony TV as cast device, not Sonos. In this case I have to use Sonos do play Amazon music. (with very uncomfortable control).
As you can see on video, ehwn it stops play sound from TV even complete swith off phone does not help.
I don’t use Android so I’m not familiar with the OS. However, from the video it appears you are trying to cast to your TV instead of playing Spotify through the Sonos app. Is that the case?
Here is short video of my problem (sorry for qualioty and my english
My phone is Samsung 20+.
I have tried to switch off Spotify, kill Spotify, switch sound back to phone speakers, kill Sonos app. Without any positive effect. Many times it switches without problems, I play music from Spotify, then start TV and ARC starts play music from TV, but in 1 of 10 attemts occurs problem I have mentioned.
I have a Sonos Arc in conjunction with a Sony XR-55A83J and I have two problems:
1) The volume can only be scrolled in increments of multiples of two (sometimes 18,20,22, sometimes 21, 23, 25, it maby depends on my previous settings of volume on phone), and sometimes I can't even see the slider even when the volume is increased or decreased.
Is the phone and iOS or Android device? This could also be relevant to the TV itself. Please provide the requested info.
2) Worse thing - it happens that once I play music on my phone from Spotify on the Sonos ARC, then randomly the sound from the TV doesn't come through. It's completely silent, it doesn't help even when I try to fiddle with all the sound settings on the TV, switch the output to TV and back. The TV even switches itself to that "Audio system" input, but it remains completely silent. The only thing that works is physically unplugging the Sonos from the power outlet
Try ending the session when you are done streaming. That will clear the queue on the Arc.