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Somebody has been accessing my Sonos system. This has been happening now for a long time but now got more frequent. Usually there is some TV-show playing. Only thing that comes to my mind is friends coming over have still some kind of access. 

Moderator Note - Removed diagnostics from post and recorded the reference number.


Outside access can be had through Spotify Connect.  The next time you find something strange, try switching sources on the Sonos device in question.  That should bounce them off.  

Yeah, it stops when changing channels or switching input but after a while continues. This has happened for few times in row. It’s not Spotify because it’s usually a movie or Tv-show. 

Yeah, it stops when changing channels or switching input but after a while continues. This has happened for few times in row. It’s not Spotify because it’s usually a movie or Tv-show. 


Hopefully a Mod will see your diagnostic and track down the culprit. 

Somebody has been accessing my Sonos system. This has been happening now for a long time but now got more frequent. Usually there is some TV-show playing. Only thing that comes to my mind is friends coming over have still some kind of access. 

Moderator Note - Removed diagnostics from post and recorded the reference number.


If you do not hear back from Sonos, consider changing your Wifi password. If someone, a friend or otherwise has wifi access and are messing around this will block them. Maybe a neighbor?

******BUT only do this if you are using Sonos in Sonosnet mode or your players are hard wired. Sonos removed the ability to edit wifi networks for their wifi speakers. Yes you can’t freaking change the wifi without fully resetting the device and this is very risky with the new app.

Your router may have a guest access mode so you can give wifi access but they won’t be able to access your devices.

Tried to get a hold of Sonos reps through chat but there is  a long cue and the app disconnects and nobody returns or contacts me even though they have my info. Usually the chat contact goes to a ticketing list but not here. 

No neighbor connecting lol. I have it bombproof and a UNifi system setup which I can remotely manage. No use changing WiFi password as friends want to play their music for parties we have. I am just dumbfounded that now that I have researched there are many instances of this happening. Is it Spotify connect or some weird Airplay bug that one can control the Sonos system without being on same network. 

No real help from Sonos Chat, they can’t see anything useful from the diagnostics and didn’t ask for it. They claim that nobody can access without being on WiFi but then continue that Spotify enables remote access. Should disconnect after a while but somebody is accessing my system and this has been happening for others too. 

Trying to eliminate now Spotify Connect. Put Spotify on Pi Hole blacklist.  

Sonos systems are accessible remotely if your Sonos password was leaked. Normally I would suggest changing it to ensure uniqueness, but the app is so terrible at this point I’m not sure I’d risk it in case I never got the devices back. Maybe try changing it in a month when the app might be working better.

The password is a unique generated psw that is not used anywhere else. So if it’s leaked Sonos was breached. Thanks, will change when app is updated. 

As already mentioned, my money on Spotify Connect, not specific to Sonos hardware:


Crazy that once somebody has connected through Spotify connect they can hijack my system. Who the hell thought this is ok. 

Crazy that once somebody has connected through Spotify connect they can hijack my system. Who the hell thought this is ok. 


Quick update for others. Now hasn’t happened anymore after I blacklisted anything from Spotify on Pi Hole. If you are not using Pi Hole then other option is blocking Spotify on router level.