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Reverting back to TV from Music - TV only plays on ARC while music continues on ERA 300

Config: ARC and ERA 300 both part of a named group.

Switching from TV to Music is easy enough and works flawlessly. Reverting back to TV is not so easy.

On the home screen I select TV as a source and the ARC speaker does switch to the TV input but the ERA300 keeps playing the music. The only way I could find to get TV to play on the ERA300 is to go to the home screen, select the system name, press the TV audio play control and select the speakers and reselect the ERA300 click apply and it switches.

Can’t understand why switching from TV to Music is a single click, but reverting back to TV requires a lot of clocks to accomplish what should be a simple task.


IS there an easier way to revert back to both speakers playing TV as a source.

2 replies

The Arc should ungroup on TV Autoplay - leaving the Era-300 playing. So this is correct and ‘by design’ for its default setting, but you can change the setting in the Arc room settings in the App under the ‘System’ area.

The Arc should ungroup on TV Autoplay - leaving the Era-300 playing. So this is correct and ‘by design’ for its default setting, but you can change the setting in the Arc room settings in the App under the ‘System’ area.

Changing the Ungroup on TV Autoplay setting got it thanks.


Mucho bettero
