Until recently, I had a Playbase connected to my LG smart TV with an optical audio cord. Also connected were my Sub woofer and 2 Ones giving me surround sound for the TV that seemed to work very well. Inmy living room I also had an older Marantz receiver, 2 decent wired speakers, a CD player and a Turntable giving me a reasonable stereo system.
In my infinate wisdom, I purchased an Amp which was to replace the receiver. My hope was to connect everything together so that I could have my TV with surround sound or switch to my CD or Turntable or the Sonos app for stereo. I purchased Y RCA plugs so I could connect both the CD player and the Turntable to the AMP. Obviously only one at a time but I hoped to save pulling and inserting plugs all the time. The TV is now hooked up to both the playbase (optical cord) and the AMP (ARC HDMI). Nothing is working as it should and I’d like to start over. I’m also contemplating moving the Playbase to the Bedroom TV and using the wired speakers with the ones and the sub and the TV speakers for surround.
Guidance on what I’ve done wrong and how I should set all of this up would be greatly appreciated.