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playbase not connecting to wifi

  • 21 July 2024
  • 5 replies

I recently updated my WiFi network and I have not been able to connect the playbase to it.

I tried a few solutions but they all failed.

1 - I factory reset the playbase and although the led was blinking Green, the app was unable to connect to it.

2 - I connected an Ethernet cable to it and it started working fine. I updated the software and enabled the WiFi. As soon as I disconnect the cable, the app stops recognizing it and it becomes useless.

I tried 1 and 2 using an IPhone and an Android phone and the results are always the same.

Can someone help me with this problem?

Thanks a lot!


5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

You need to wait a few minutes before disconnecting the Ethernet cable - I think it auto resets the wifi/network details but it’s not instant. 

You need to wait a few minutes before disconnecting the Ethernet cable - I think it auto resets the wifi/network details but it’s not instant. 

Thanks for the tip! I tried waiting for a long time until unplugging the Ethernet cable but the playbase disconnected instantly. Would you happen to know whether there is another option to force the update? Really appreciated 

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Sorry - can only otherwise refer you to this:


Or the dreaded “call Sonos support” catch-all solution!

Sorry - can only otherwise refer you to this:


Or the dreaded “call Sonos support” catch-all solution!


Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @etsai89 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

I suspect I know what the issue is, and can verify it for you before you have to sit in the support queue.

Please reconnect the Playbase to the network with the ethernet cable, then submit a support diagnostic and post here letting me know you have done so, but please don’t share the given number. Thanks.
