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hdcp error, no picture

  • 1 July 2024
  • 4 replies

I have bought a sonos arc to my philips oled tv and Apple TV 4k. And every day I have to restart my Apple TV to get picture on my tv. 
I get error message from my tv, “this picture format cannot be displayed on the tv”. Sometimes no picture at all, only sound. And sometimes I get a “hdcp error message saying to replace my hdmi cable since it doesn’t support hdcp”. 
This happens both with my Apple TV 4k and my Arris tv box. 
and everything worked fine before I connected the Sonos Arc. 
if I restart my Apple TV and/or the tv box everything works fine again. 
I’ve tried disconnecting everything and reconnect. But same problem the next day. 

I think that you have two issues occurring here:

1/ HDCP creates a handshake between all of the devices connected to your Home Cinema setup.  Normally, it is the sound rather than the picture that is blocked on HDCP handshake failures.  To fix this, turn off the power to all devices in your home cinema setup and then turn back on in the order from source to display/audio output based upon the order they are connected to each other.

2/ Picture resolution.  I get the same issue with my 4K Sy Q box and 4K tv occasionally.  The TV will sometimes revert back to an HD setup and then my Sky Q will display a warning that the TV can’t output the TV format and revert back to HD format, rather than UHD.  The resolution is the same as point one but I then have to change the TV video settings and Source output back to UHD.

As audio and video are all output via HDMI, it is pointing to a loose or faulty HDMI cable. You’ll need to experiment to identify which cable is the cause.

Yes that is just about what I have been thinking myself. But. I have tried reconnecting and connecting several times. It helps for now, but the next day the problem is back. 
And as I said, everything worked fine before I bought the Sonos Arc, so it must have something to do with the Sonos. So my next move is to replace the hdmi cable that came in the Sonos box and see if that helps. 
But thank for your reply. 

Yes that is just about what I have been thinking myself. But. I have tried reconnecting and connecting several times. It helps for now, but the next day the problem is back. 
And as I said, everything worked fine before I bought the Sonos Arc, so it must have something to do with the Sonos. So my next move is to replace the hdmi cable that came in the Sonos box and see if that helps. 
But thank for your reply. 

I think that's the obvious place to start. Let us know if the problem persists.

The problem actually solved itself. All of a sudden it now works. 
