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HD fury Arcana /Apple TV/Sony XBR 2015 model setup

  • 3 November 2023
  • 6 replies

My box came in today, and wanted to know if there are any setup on the box itself needs to be done? I was playing around with it came across few options for eArc out, and etc. I have already re-configured my Apple TV, but wanted to know if there anything on the TV that needs to be changed. 


You should provide more information and be specific about what “box” you received. We can only assume you are using an Arc or Beam2 with your TV. Other than to say make sure you have the HDMI CEC function enabled in your TV there’s not much more advice that can be offered given the lack of information in your post. FYI, HDMI CEC is generic speak for the two-way communication between an Arc or Beam2 and TV.

On second thought why the HDFury component? Does the Sony TV not have eARC?

I think the OP is referencing the HD Fury, as it is mentioned in the thread title. 

I think the OP is referencing the HD Fury, as it is mentioned in the thread title. 

That’s possible. However, the OP’s profile shows they only have a Playbase and strangely Era 300’s. The Era 300’s aren’t compatible with a Playbase if trying to use them as surrounds. Furthermore the Playbase even with the HDFury will not provide Dolby Atmos???

Excellent point….i was just reacting to the thread title, but you’re 100% correct, a PLAYBASE does not handle Atmos….if the profile is correct. I tend to ignore mine most times, only updating it randomly. Not that my setup changes that frequently, mind you….

I should update my profile, haha. Arcana is connected to Sonos Arc. 

Box I was referring to is the HD fury Arcana. You can scroll through the menu on the Arcana to make setting changes.

It’s 2015 Sony, don’t think there were any eArc options back then, even for high end ones. 

Moderator edit: removed offer of sale

HD Fury maintains a board, last time I looked, several months ago. More likely to get good info about that device and the settings on it there.