Hi @GDaz
Thanks for your post!
If they sound good to you, then that sounds good to me!
Joking aside, I would say they are a bit higher than is ideal, but you have to work with what you have. - I don’t think that position will be of hinderance to the speakers, and you already mentioned that it sounds immersive, which is the effect you’re after.
If you either have an iOS device, or can borrow one for 5 minutes, then I recommend performing TruePlay on your setup.
I hope this helps.
Thank you Corry. I really appreciate your response.
I should have mentioned that I did run TruePlay, and so my listening experience is based on that.
Which sparks another thought...I’m curious to know whether the settings/adjustments that TruePlay makes are visible to me as a user. The reason I ask (and I’m not sure I’m thinking about this correctly), is that it would be interesting to know if TruePlay is having to make (e.g., “max out”) any setting(s) which might indicate that the speaker is misplaced or in an otherwise challenging environment. In other words, looking to get a “confidence level” from TruePlay that the speaker(s) are performing well in the environment.
Hi @GDaz
There is no such feedback available, no. I also don’t know if it would even be possible to quantify what’s being done in order to display it, but you could certainly create a new thread here on the Community requesting the feature.
If you don’t mind feeling discombobulated for a while (at least, that’s how I remember feeling after reading), you may find the following (fairly technical) article written by one of our audio engineers of interest: https://tech-blog.sonos.com/posts/trueplay-spectral-correction/