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I am a hard of hearing person and I have a rather specific question: when I watch movies and series I can hear the voice of the actors from the front of the room (sonos arc) while from the side satellites (sonos one SL x2) there is no dialogue track there making me understand speech less well. The question is whether it is possible to set the dialogue track so that it can also be heard in the side satellites? Thanks!

No, there is no option to send the fronts to the rears.  The rears are surround speakers.  Those channels are for ambient sounds and directional off screen cues. 

No, you cannot play the dialogue track over the surrounds. You could separate the surrounds , put them in a different “room” in the app and group them with the Arc. Then they would play the full sound including dialogue, but would lag a bit compared to the Arc and you’d no longer have surround.

Aside from the “Speech Enhancement” setting there is no level control of the C channel, relative to L & R. There are many who wish there was. Many modern movies and series seem to have lousy dialogue audibility. (Tenet was much commented upon.) 

The common ‘workaround’ is of course to turn on the subtitles.