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My 2 ERA 100’s will not connect to my Beam

Not enough information given to begin to deduce what the issue might be. The best thing to do is read the FAQ, but if you want additional assistance, some sort of information about how you have your system set up, what router you’re using, what TV set the Beam is connected to and how, where the addition of the surrounds is failing, and maybe what error you’re being shown. 

Beam is connected to a Sony TV via HDMI to the Arc port. Speakers are added via WI-FI are also connected via a Bluetooth connection.  The router is a BGW 210 supplied by ATT. Speakers are behind the sitting area on top of a 7ft high bookcase. They are approximately 12 ft apart from each other. They are approximately 12 ft from Beam. As far as an error message, not sure where that would be. One suggestion made was to assign the speakers to a different room. Example: Bedroom and Bedroom #2, Beam is listed in a room labeled  TV room. Note: I’m a novice but can understand and follow suggestions. Thanks

Sigh. Another long response killed by the forum software.

Give me a minute to retype it all.

First, thanks for the extra information, it helps build a mental image, and begin to think about what might be going on. 

According to the FAQ I linked to above, the Surrounds do need to be set up in temporary ‘rooms’ before adding the to the room that is the Beam. 

The error I’m asking about is what shows up in the controller when you go in to the Beam’s room, and use the ‘add surrounds’ function. 

And, since I’m about to go to sleep, have you tried to call Sonos Support directly to discuss it?

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your network and Sonos system.

Sorry for the extra brevity, the ‘lost’ response was much longer.

Hard to say given the lack of information, but lets start with the obvious: you are using the S2 app, right, not the S1 app? Eras are S2 only but Beam Gen 1s can be running S1.

Before replying to that, can the OP please tell us how far in the setup process they are getting: “will not connect” is way too vague.

Sigh. Another long response killed by the forum software.

Give me a minute to retype it all.

I’m getting posts eaten too, mostly seems to be tabs I’ve had open for a few minutes while looking for information to post.

I now have a Post-It reminding me Select All, Copy… Then click Send.

Has this been sorted? I have the same issue beam gen2 in tv room 1 x era 100 in a seperate room on the app  Trying to add as surround but the app dosent see it? 


Has this been sorted? I have the same issue beam gen2 in tv room 1 x era 100 in a seperate room on the app  Trying to add as surround but the app dosent see it? 

You cannot add just a single speaker as a rear left/right surround for a Sonos Home Theatre - you need two separate speakers for that … see this link: