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connecting sonos ray to TV ARC

  • 16 December 2022
  • 6 replies

I was given a Sonos ray by a family member no cables, it only has optical output , my Samsung TV only has HDMI ports, can I use the Sonos optical to HDMI adapter that you can buy. Thanks

That adapter converts optical to ARC, not ARC to optical.

What is the model of the Samsung TV?

There are TV HDMI-ARC audio extractors to convert the audio to Optical. A quick search of Amazon should find such devices

One such example I stumbled upon:

Thank you Ken for your reply,  I  took the tv down off the wall with some help instead of a sideways look at the ports and found one hidden by cables . Off to buy an optical cord now . 

Thank you Ken for your reply,  I  took the tv down off the wall with some help instead of a sideways look at the ports and found one hidden by cables . Off to buy an optical cord now . 

The Ray comes with an optical cable.

I was not the original owner, it was given to me without any cords, optical cord isn’t dear to buy, was thankful for the gift

For future readers: the optical connection on the Ray is an input, not an output.
