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Audio delay fixed by the HDFury eARC adapter 2021

  • 25 May 2021
  • 4 replies

User experience - The HD Fury works! 

Success! I can now watch content from my Xfinity cable box without experiencing audio delay or lag. 

My System:

-LG 70in UHD SMART TV manufactured in 6/2018. No eARC connection but it will still pass Dolby Atmos signal (even though there is no literature that says it does)

-ARC Soundbar

-Xfinity cablebox ARRIS XG1V4 which supports up to 4K output.

-Blue Ray connected directly to the TV

-Apple TV connected directly to the TV (not an HD Apple TV)


  1. No modification to HD Fury Arcana. Used auto settings. It seems to detect the best quality picture and sound and outputs what your TV and soundbar can handle. 
  2. Immediate fix to all audio delays coming from my cable box. I was able to change my LG TV ARC output from a forced stereo output to Auto. Now I listen to most everything in Dolby 5.1 (depends on what the cable box is broadcasting for the channel or show)
  3. The ARCANA will pass audio and video from the TV (including the other HDMI devices hooked to the TV ) back through to the Sonos ARC using the LG Tv Arc connection when the cable box is not selected as the input 
  4. No additional remotes needed. I can use my Xfinity remote to change volume and input. Volume and input also can be changed with the TV remote.
  5. The LG TV Apps for Disney + and Apple TV will pass Dolby Atmos and 4K video. ( I get better picture and sound from my new Apple TV app than my old apple TV)


  1. There is a slight audio delay when Dobly Atmos is coming from the TV but it is still better than it was prior to me purchasing the Arcana. I need to ensure all my cables are high speed (as recommended by HDFury) since I am not sure about one of them. 
  2. Sometimes when I switch from an Lg TV app (Disney+ or Apple TV) I don’t get any sound when I switch back to the cable box. I think its because the App is still running in the background somehow. To fix it, I select my blue ray player input then select my Xfinity cable box.
  3. I’m not sure if there is any Xfinity content being broadcast in Dolby Atmos. 4K is limited. 

Overall I am very pleased with my purchase since the majority of time I am using the cable box to access all my content. 


Hi @Total Package 

Welcome to the Sonos Community and thanks for sharing your experience!

I have had a similarly good experience with Arcana on Sonos. My older (2015} LG TV doesn't do Atmos at all, so Arcana has added that for me.

A couple of further comments on the disadvantages you mention

1. Are you sure this is an audio lag and not a video lag? If it is a video lag then you can delay the audio in the Sonos app.

2. There have been recent posts about losing audio on switching source. Have you got the latest Arcana software installed?


  1. I’m sure its an audio lag. I already tried the delay function with Sonos and it did not work.
  2. I do not know if I have the latest Arcana Software. It was not clear to me on how to get the updates (where are they located? best method to get the software from the internet to the Arcana?)

You definitely don’t have the latest Arcana firmware, in that case.

This manual explains the process (and much more).  You have to download to a USB stick then plug it into Arcana.