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ARC placement on console

  • 21 February 2022
  • 7 replies

Does the Arc have to sit on the edge of the console if not mounted in order for the downward firing speakers to bounce off the floor and not the console? Or can it sit further back on the console?




To my knowledge, there are no downward firing speakers, only upward firing speakers. 

As Bruce says, there are no downward firing speakers, so you can position the Arc further back on the console.



Thanks guys! I think what threw me off was the fact that the mesh curved all the way to the bottom and the way the unit was balanced felt like it was meant to sit on an edge.

But this is better. Is is better to place it against the wall or middle of console? Or does it not make any difference?



The main thing is not to block the upward and side firing speakers.

From your pic, there looks to be sufficient space to your tv so the upward firing speakers would be fine if you placed the Arc against the wall, but I’d probably put it in the middle so you can place the couple of ornaments behind the Arc against the wall instead.

Thanks, Mr. T! 

There a lot of discussions of edge effects and reflections on speaker sound. While they are worth reading if you are interested in that sort of thing.

A better option in my opinion is to try it in each position you’d find acceptable and see if you can hear an audible difference.

Looking at your picture, I’d be tempted to try it sitting in front of the TV following the Sonos recommendations but on a 4 to six inch set of risers to get the speakers above most of the clutter.

Thanks! I ended up moving it to just in front of the TV. I just got rid of the clutter. I can’t tell if there’s a difference in sound. I don’t think my ear is trained well enough yet. But it doesn’t seem to sound worse.