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Just replaced the arc with the arc ultra and my 2 fives and 2 sub gen 3’s disappeared. I’ve reset them multiple times and my router and the app still can’t find them. Any advice? I’m very close to selling all of my speakers if they won’t work.

Did you remove/unbond them from the previous device first? If not, you’ll need to either hook it back up to do so, or factory reset them, and add them as new devices to your system. 

Sorry, I just have quite a few questions too before perhaps making some suggestions….

  • Did you unbond the Fives & Sub from your old Sonos Arc prior to their setup/use with the new Arc Ultra?
  • Is the Arc Ultra currently wired, or being used on WiFi?
  • Was the old Arc previously wired?
  • If wired, has the new Arc Ultra WiFi adapters been disabled?
  • Were you previously running ALL on a SonosNet signal - if so, which devices were wired to the local network?
  • What is the make/model of the router you are using?
  • You mentioned that you ‘reset’ your products - is this a factory reset (status LED lights flashing green etc?… in what order did you do these things, was it after you had setup your Arc Ultra?

Did you first remove the surrounds & sub from the Arc?  When you say reset do you mean you Factory reset the sub and surrounds?

