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Bought arc and sub 2 weeks ago.  i could have wept at how incredible it sounded.  added two one sl's last week as rear surrounds.  All was glorious for about 48 hours.  while watching a 4k br friday night (longest possible time to talk to a live support rep), arc made a loud static like sound for a second or two.  arc and sub disconnected.  reconnected arc no problem.  sub was a bear. was able to get incredibly faint sound out of sub after hardwiring arc, but nothing like its potential.  literally 4 hours on the phone with support today. at least 2 dozen diagnostics.  supervisor (who was super nice and genuinely interested in helping me fix things) ultimately told me I'd need to schedule a call with the engineering team (which I found out later was in two days!). kept perusing forum and something clicked to make me disconnect surrounds.  the bass is back in a big and beautiful way! but my one sl's are paper weights.  any thoughts on what caused the issue and how to configure the two rears??

Is the Arc still hardwired to your router? If so, be sure Wi-Fi is still enabled in the Arc’s settings.

Thanks for the reply.  Arc is no longer hardwired.

Can you see the two One SLs at all in the Sonos app? If so, what happens when you try to connect them as surrounds?

Hi @Wheresthebass 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Are you still having this issue? I can see your speakers are currently correctly configured. Do you nowget audio from all speakers, including the Sub?



The issue is resolved and everything is sounding great.  Thanks!


The issue is resolved and everything is sounding great.  Thanks!

That’s good to hear! Would you mind sharing what fixed it?

Disconnected the surrounds, then reconnected sub, then surrounds.