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Hi all, happy Christmas.

I have spent the last 24 hours having trouble setting up a surround system with my Sonos products.  I have two Play 1 SL’s set up already which I was just using to play music through.  A couple of days ago, I bought a new Sonos Arc and Sub (Gen3).  I initially linked the Sub to the Play’s no problem.  I then installed a new TV and Arc, then it all went horrifically wrong.  It set up the arc as a separate system (Living Room 2) and I couldn’t get them to move under one system.  I have an old Sonos Connect Amp on S1 which I just use in an office at the far side of the house and I’m not bothered about this. 

I resorted to hard resetting all the products so their buttons are all now flashing green.  I tried to set up the system again, but its now saying the Sub is on S1 along with the old Connect Amp, WTF!  I have logged into my account online and there it is, your new sub is on S1 and not compatible.  Toooootally confused. 

My broadband is Sky and I have read other forums about resetting the Ghz (which I have done) and given the network a new SSID.

It is always a good idea to unplug the S1 devices while you are setting up an S2 system, to avoid confusion. Temporarily delete the S1 app from the phone you’re doing the set up with.

If you already own a system, you need to set up the Arc in it’s own room. For Sonos the soundbar is the start of a homecinema “room”. You can then add the Sub, and the surrounds. If the surrounds are stereo paired (so from a room together), unpair them (so they’re in two rooms) and add them to the Arc as surrounds. See

Since you’ve reset everything, it is best to start over and begin with a new system, starting with the Arc. Reset the Sub again.

That's worked!! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Merry Christmas!