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Just bought a new Beam and trying to connect it to the TV Arc port. When I connect the HDMI cable and then search for the Arc receiver on my Samsung TV it says it can’t connect. I’m trying to connect to a Samsung F9000 UHD TV, I have confirmed the Arc receiver is turned on on the TV, however it doesn’t connect. I have also tried changing the TV speaker setting to ‘receiver’ which is supposed to be the Arc supported device and ‘external speakers’ yet Beam will not connect. Don’t know if it’s a Beam issue, TV issue, or cable issue, if anyone could help would be greatly appreciated.
One 'trick' that often resolves issues like this is to unplug all the HDMI devices, unplug the tv the tv for a few seconds, plug it back in, then try to setup the Beam. Assuming that works, you should then be able to plug your other devices back in.

Your TV is pretty much a computer these days, and unplugging it is pretty much the equivalent of rebooting your laptop.
Thanks Danny will give that a try. I did try factory resetting both the Beam and TV but not unplugging all the HDMI inputs.
Thanks all, I just setup my system over the weekend, have a Beam in the bedroom, and was having this issue, so tried it this morning, and it worked. Is this a persistent issue, or is there a firmware upgrade that addresses this?
The firmware update would be from the TV manufacturer, not Sonos. You should have the ability to check from within the TVs settings, in most cases, or you could check the TV manufacturer’s website or support pages.
Thanks Firmware on the TV is updated, we'll see if this persists.
We'll all hope for the best.

HDMI-CEC is a poorly enforced standard, and consequently many manufacturers have implemented it equally poorly.

Based on what I know, the great majority of how it works is determined by the hub device, in this case the TV set. All of the other things that are connected are client devices, merely passing information to the hub to determine what the hub will do with it.