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I'd like it if playbar supported more programmable functions via IR remote. Many of us have universal remotes with unused/assignable buttons. Functions like: night mode, voice enhance, and music playback controls could all be assigned remote commands. The volume LED could be used to give some feedback for these states without having the sonos app open - E.g. one blink for on, two for off, etc... I know that simplicity is a hallmark of the Sonos system, but these could be added as optional 'power user' features.
I like to have the following: If the Playbar is not in TV mode I can use the next/previous/play/pause/stop buttons of my remote (normally used for tv record/timeshift) to control the SONOS controller music list. So if I switch off the TV the Playbar goes automatically in music mode and after that I'm able to control the last used music list with my TV remote. In addition it would be nice to add a shortcut to a specific playlist or favorite radio station. e.g. pressing "1" on the tv remote opens a radio channel and "2" opens a music playlist. Both can be setup through a IR wizard or holding down on a radio/playlist entry so an option "add/change IR shortcut" will be shown. Hope you like that.
Speech Enhancement and Night Mode need IR commands when one is using the Playbar with the TV. It's ludicrous that one has to search the house for a phone or tablet with a universal remote in your hand controlling everything else. I'm sure SONOS engineers used an IR command for testing the PLAYBAR, just let us know what it is in hex or NEC function...
@Marc Johnson Don't forget to like the idea 😉
These are great ideas. Please do this Sonos
This would be a good addition and I totally agree. I just want to use one remote and not have to track down my iPhone or iPad just to change modes. I'm pretty it wouldnt be hard for Sonos engineer/programmers to add it either.

But as usual I'm pretty sure this will just be ignored by Sonos.
I agree 100%, have spent a lot of money on Sonos equipment and i find this omission very annoying, come on guys a playbar is designed to be used with your tv!!! 
great idea. +1 from me.
Agree. This is designed for watching TV, so my remote should be able control TV functions. Should not have to dig my phone out of my pocket for dialogue enhancement or night mode.
I'm also extremely dissapointed that the Sonos playbar can basically only pay attention to Input, Mute, Vol+/- from the IR port. I have a universal remote and I'd love to be able to setup a button to play/stop music that is playing, for example. Also Next/Prev buttons would be useful. There are a variety of other functions that might be useful too. Very bad omission on Sonos part to only allow the player to be controlled via wifi.

I have a Logitech Harmony 650 and it can do a lot, As far as all TV activities, the remote works fine and controls volume and mute on the Sonos. But when I want to just play music, I ought to be able to hit a button on the remote and have sonos start playing the current stream whatever it is...and Next/Prev buttons oughta work too. Sonos please listen and make this possible, its a glaring ommission.

Logitiech says the only way to support Sonos directly is to buy their hub product so that it can control the Sonos via wifi. Lame. I am not going to buy that just so that I can hit play/stop from my remote. But Sonos could easily support a few additional commands and allow people to program their universal remotes.
another thing I'd like to see remote codes for is for adjusting the lip sync
also I want to be able to PLAY/STOP music playback using my universal remote, which is not possible now. Would be nice if also had NEXT/PREV remote codes for same reason.
anyone know if there has been any improvement in this area with the past couple updates?
What exactly?