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Still getting sound dropouts that last a few seconds on most platforms now!!

BBC iplayer, Netflix, Disney etc and even standard TV!!

I have a Beam 2 with 2 One SL’s for surround and a new Panasonic OLED, tried all the mentioned  plug/unplug, restart PCM etc.

Always had Sonos kit but this is really starting to get annoying as no fix seems to be mentioned yet??

Please help!

OK…since you say you’ve done all the plug/unplug stuff. Trying wiring a speaker to your router to create the SonosNet to see if that resolves the issue. Do not use a speaker used as a surround. 

You will need to unplug all Sonos, reboot your router, wire a speaker to your router and wait for it to show in your app then plug in your other Sonos 1x1. Finally go to Sonos app > Settings > System and verify that all speakers show as WM:0.

Assuming this resolves your issue you can swap out the wired speaker with a Sonos Boost module ($99-USD). Doing so may be more practical than using a speaker.

Hi @cordyk 

Thanks for your post!

If unplugging your TV from power for a minute doesn’t help, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team, who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports about the situation.