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I've made a few changes to my network to allow for better online gaming, and I believe that is causing my sub and playbar to be knocked off the WiFi constantly. As of right now, even the hardwired method I can't even get Sonos' app on my Mac or iPhone to recognize the Sub for installation.

I've tried the hard reset of the sub and no avail. I am hoping it's just something simple on my firewall or network that can bring my system back up and running. My living room is usually configured with:

- 1 Playbar

- 1 Sub

- 2X Play 1s

I do have a spare play 3 in another bedroom as it's own zone. The diagnostics report number is: 6739039.
It may help to have details of the changes you made. If you have been playing with the router though, the first thing to do is reboot the entire network, as follows:

Power down your router and absolutely everything that connects to your network - phones, printers, Smart TV etc, and of course Sonos gear. Turn on the router and let it come up fully. Then power on any wired Sonos component, then other Sonos components, then everything else. One device at a time, and let each come up fully before doing the next.
List the make and model of router