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Hi guys,

I'm experiencing pretty weird issue with Sonos Playbar optical input when I'm trying to use Pro-Ject pre-amp via Toslink it skips audio every single second. So it plays for a second, then pause then again plays a second, and again pause. When I connect Apple TV via Toslink it plays constantly and has no issues. I've double checked everything, cables, ground, connection, tried different input sources. Can't understand how it's actually possible, but here we are. I even can't explain what's wrong with Playbar as it plays audio through Apple TV, so it can't be returned due warranty. Any ideas how I can fix it?
Diagnostic information #8391352
Hi there, angrygecco. Thanks for the diagnostic report. Was this run while playing audio from the Pro-Ject pre-amp? Seems the PLAYBAR is receiving a stereo signal, what is feeding audio to the pre-amp?

You're right, if the PLAYBAR works with an Apple TV, we know the PLAYBAR works. Its now working our way back through the audio chain to find out what the cause is.
Yes, it was run while playing from phono. Audio input source is Pro-Ject Primary turntable.
Understood. Do you have anything that we can test the turntable on? I'm curious if the problem persists on other speakers, using the same pre-amp.

I’ve checked it already. I used another audio system through both optical output and analog one. Both had no issues.
Understood. In this case, I would recommend giving our support technicians a call to take a closer look at what is going on.
One more assumption, the phono I'm using to send signal to Sonos Playbar outputs 24bit/96kHz sampling rate via optical output. Is it possible that Sonos input can't handle such sampling rate and starts skipping audio constantly?
One more assumption, the phono I'm using to send signal to Sonos Playbar outputs 24bit/96kHz sampling rate via optical output. Is it possible that Sonos input can't handle such sampling rate and starts skipping audio constantly?

That is certainly possible. 24 bit audio files are not supported on Sonos. Is it possible to change the bitrate to 16 bit/96k?
One more assumption, the phono I'm using to send signal to Sonos Playbar outputs 24bit/96kHz sampling rate via optical output. Is it possible that Sonos input can't handle such sampling rate and starts skipping audio constantly?

That is certainly possible. 24 bit audio files are not supported on Sonos. Is it possible to change the bitrate to 16 bit/96k?

Hi Keith, could you provide more info on this please, the site is showing unavailable? This thread says he's successfully using a turntable that only outputs either 24bit @ 48KHz or 96KHz, connected directly to a playbar on fibre? I'm looking to use this setup but want to check. Why wouldn't Sonos support higher quality / current audio formats, when the main selling point is high quality audio?

Edit - OK, I've read a thread questioning whether anyone can tell the difference between 16bit and 24bit, but if source devices only output in 24bit, where are we to go? We / I buy into Sonos partly for a simplified, streamlined setup without amps and external speakers; I want to add a turntable and the idea of a direct fibre link is perfect, but the only turntable I've found with fibre output is 24bit...