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Hello everyone,

I picked up an HD Fury Arcana and decided to try out Dolby ATMOS with my Beam Gen2.  I’ve connected per instructions and recommended HD Fury cables (Apple TV out to Arcana in, Arcana eArc out to Beam Gen2).  When I view out ATMOS enabled content i.e. Avengers Endgame, Shang-Chi, Sonos S2 is showing airplay and ATMOS?!  In Apple TV settings, it is showing ATMOS available for audio output, so I am wondering if something is amiss here since there is a lot of discussion about airplay not transmitting ATMOS signal?  Appreciate any feedback on this, and to be honest I’m not clear why S2 is showing airplay at all given the wired connections.

Thank you very much,


Is the HDMI OUT on the Arcana connected to your TV? Is your phone currently connected to anything via AirPlay? Can you post a screenshot of the Sonos app showing both AirPlay and the Dolby Atmos logo?