sonos arc with sonos 5, 4k firestick hdfury and 4k epson 3800 projector

  • 6 August 2021
  • 2 replies

I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this for me.  I recently purchased the HD fury arcana but when I connect it to the firestick and projector I only get sound for 5 seconds while the sonos app is trying  to connect and then it stops and I no longer receive sound.  I was getting sound prior to connecting the hdfury when I used an hdmi switch.  Can anyone confirm what settings I should have on the hdfury to ensure I receive sound.  I'm using 4k cables, about 40 ft long to the projector and to the arc.  I've enabled cec settings on the firestick and projector. 

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2 replies

Does it work if you perhaps switch off CEC on the Fire-Stick 4K? Ensure the Arcana firmware is also up-to-date. I assume you have things setup like the image below (without the switch)… 


No I've tried to turn off the cec on the firestick and still doesn't work. I have the 0.84 update on the arcana.

I've set I up as the diagram states. Do you think it could be something in the arcana settings?

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