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If I set up two Play:1 speakers as surround speakers to an Amp - can I then use Airplay 2 to play music over them? I think this is the case?

My question is will the Amp always play music out of speakers hard-wired to it, when playing out of the surround speakers? Thanks


Yes it will, but you should be able to turn the volume down in the settings from  the app, so you would only hear the  Play:1's.

Thanks - I just seem to have one universal setting for volume, that controls both the wired speaker and the Play:1s that are surrounds?

You need to go further into settings:

My system is in Dutch, but this is what it looks like. Now I look at it I’m not sure you can turn the Amp completely down.

Thanks man - I tried it and it was one setting for all - between the surround speakers and the wired speaker… I think best bet is to group the non-airplay speakers with ones that do have it, and reconfigure which ones live where! Thanks again.