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Have connected it to my Sony Bravia TV (KD-55XE8505) by HDMI cable (ARC).

I have a setup with two wired Dali speakers.

I´ve added two Sones ones as back speakers in a surround setup.

When watching TV, sounds come out, but in the app SystemInfo, it display “Stereo PCM 2.1” as sound Input. 

I´m in doubt if it plays in surround or only stereo. 

If playing surround what should it say in “sound Input”?

I have tried various setups on the TV, but the AMP keep on saying “Stereo PCM 2.1” as sound Input. 

Your setup is capable of ‘5.1 Dolby Digital’ but it will also display that if the content currently playing is encoded in 5.1 Dolby Digital.  Otherwise, you’re going to get stereo.