Good day!
I need a solution for my situation. I have quite long living/dining room with TV LG C9, which is located in the living part, but is turnable to the side so you can watch it as well from the dining side of the room. I’m watching it 50/50 from from living and dining, but when I’m in dining part I can not hear well the TV. I tried first to solve it just by adding Bluetooth speaker to the dining part, but my TV does not support simultaneous output to external speaker and own internal speakers. At this point I came to Sonos and thought that I have a solution - I purchased ARC+Sub for TV in living part and Move for the dining part of the room. I thought that they will be paired, so I will have good sound from TV through ARC+Sub in the living part and the same sound through Move in the dining part of the room. But it appears that this setup can not be paired for TV sound. I can pair it manually to play the music and it plays well in all parts of the room, but not the TV sound. So it is a bit frustrating and I’m even thinking to return everything back to the shop…
I would appreciate any suggestions on how to solve my problem: which setup/combination of Sonos products can duplicate the sound output from TV in two parts of the room?