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Remotes not working with Playbar
I have a couple Playbars setup, I recently did an update and the Playbars no longer work/respond with the volume buttons on my remotes. However if I reprogram it does work if I stand 7 inches away from the Playbar. This is a nightmare!! Please help, and yes I have tried searching.
Can you please submit a diagnostic and post the number in this thread.
387343600 That is my diagnostic #
And have you tried power cycling the PLAYBAR?
How do I cycle the Playbar? Unplug it?
How do I cycle the Playbar? Unplug it?

LolHomoeAutomation: We will need a little more information. Specifically, we are looking for the make and model of the TV and if the remote you are using is the TV remote or a remote for a cable box. Additionally, it may be a good idea to make sure nothing has moved and is now blocking the IR receiver on the Playbar.