
Positioning Sonos Sub

  • 2 May 2017
  • 1 reply

Hi all,

Just looking for a quick piece of advice. I have a 5.1 set up in my lounge and am wondering the best position to place my Sonos sub in. Most articles online seem to suggest that it doesn't matter where it is positioned, as long as at least one side isn't blocked, etc. I was considering either placing it beside the sofa that I sit on (however, I can still feel where the bass is coming from in this case, and so it feels "heavier" on one side than the other). I also considered putting it at the front of the room, next to the TV stand, but then wondered if I was missing out on some of the "feel" of the bass, as the room is quite large and theres a fair distance from sofa to sub? Would one side of the room in the middle be better? This set up is mainly used for watching movies etc.

Thanks for any insight you can give, this is my first post on these forums.

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1 reply

Bass energy travels a long way easily, so placing the Sub next to the TV stand would work well enough with no loss of feel. Indeed, the distance may cause more of an issue for the other speakers in use that would also be at the same distance, and may need to be played at higher volumes than is usual.

But all said and done, what sounds best to you in your room is what is the best location, so it is a good idea to try a few different locations and see what works best for you, all things considered. Doing this is a lot simpler with the Sonos Sub, which just needs to be in wiring distance of mains power sockets.