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The optical cable supplied with the playbar fits nicely into the TV. However, it seems to be a bit loose in the Playbar. You can remove it almost by blowing. It works, but does not feel very solid, not tight.

Is this normal?
I wouldn't think so. It should feel as tight as the end going in to the TV. Try swapping ends, it's possible that you'll find out that either an end is slightly malformed, or one of the receptacles is. If it's the cable, you can get a replacement fairly inexpensively, don't fall for the marketing drivel from companies like Monster Cable.
I tried removing it from the Playbar and gave up, removed it from the TV. As said above try a new Optical cable first then send the Playbar back under warranty.

Just make sure you've given the cable a firm push into the port..
Honestly, the optical connection is one of my pet peeves, nominated for my "poorly designed" award. It's actually designed to fit in one orientation, but the fact that it's most often made from plastic means it can easily be jammed in incorrectly, which then "breaks" either the receptacle or the cable end. Too easily.

And I've done my fair share of trying to get them plugged in only by feel, not able to actually being able to see what I'm doing. Shoot, maybe I should invest in a dentist's mirror device.
Other end does not fit either. No damage to connector or socket. I can easily wiggle it back and forth, and shove it. The system works, bit the cable can be pulled out with one finger or maybe even by blowing it.

I will go back to the store this weekend.
I just read another topic that there should be a dust cap at the optical input. My TV had it, the Playbar however does not. Does every Playbar have this dust cap?
Get a exchange, the optical socket is defective. All optical sockets, should have a dusk cover to protect the optics when no cable is plugged in.
Hi guys, the PLAYBAR doesn't have a door on it (older ones did) but there's some trouble we've seen recently with a small batch of bad cables that have slightly small connectors. If you have any other optical cable handy, try that one, and I bet it'll work just fine.

If you'd like, feel free to give us a call and we can help get you a new replacement cable.
I have this same issue. The door is not on the input. It’s always been very loose unlike my tv or other optical inputs but now I can’t keep it plugged into the playbar.

Tom what was your end result? Did you get a new playbar?