I went the multiple cable route here. One for the HDMI eARC to the Sonos Arc, then one to each of the other inputs on the TV.
I’m not finding that a great option as only my HDMI 3 (taken by the eARC) 4 port have all the latest features. Things connected to HDMI 1 and 2 generate complaints about being connected to the lesser ports.
I’m thinking of adding a four port switch on HDMI 4 so all my devices will go to a port that matches their capabilities (leaving 1 and 2 unused) but I worry that the TV will be unhappy seeing the device changes since it seems to do some internal configuration to match the external devices.
I’m likely going to just add a short HDMI extension to the TV’s HDMI 4 and try manually changing the connected devices to see how it works out. PITA but the cable is far. far cheaper than a switch that meets all the newest HDMI specs.
If the switch works out I’d just need the eARC and HDMI 4 cables run to the TV.
Thanks for the reply Stanley. Yeah i think im going to go the multi hdmi cable through the wall. Now i need to find good quality cables and drill holes large enough in the studs of the wall to run the cables with hdmi plugs through.
Amazon has some nice in-wallwiring kits as well as the flexi-drills needed to get through the studs.