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I have the playbase, 2 Play 5's, and a sub. The action movies are great when the sub kicks in for big explosions etc, but the dialog is so quiet I have to continuously adjust the volume. I see here on the forum that this has been an ongoing issue that Sonos has had for a while. Has anyone figured out how to properly adjust this?
Firstly, do you have the "loudness" setting on? I would take that off. Secondly, there is an option in the App to use trueplay, where you follow the instructions to optimise your set-up for the best sound results. If you go into settings, select the room, and then select advanced settings or EQ, or something like that. Otherwise, you can manually lower the sub, by going into the room settings, select the sub settings, and lower it to an acceptable level.
I have the playbase, 2 Play 5's, and a sub. The action movies are great when the sub kicks in for big explosions etc, but the dialog is so quiet I have to continuously adjust the volume. I see here on the forum that this has been an ongoing issue that Sonos has had for a while. Has anyone figured out how to properly adjust this?

Can I ask what TV you have?
I’ve used trueplay but haven’t turned off the “loudness”. I’ll give that a shot. Thanks! I’m using a newer Samsung 4K TV.
This fixed it for me:
Thanks Shayne1021 that was what I was looking for, had this problem for a while, I wasn’t aware of this feature which is really easy to miss and helps a lot with the balance of dialogue and music/sound effects, my misses will now stop complaining it’s too loud (He says) ?