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Hello everyone.

Just bought ARC + Sub gen3 for my living-room and connected them after Trueplay tunning.

After streaming music from Spotify via airplay, I've noticed I am reaching 70-75% of the volume to hear loud and clear, although in store which is x100 bigger than my living room, the arc managed to be even louder with it's volume.

What am I doing wrong here?


arc and sub are with version 14.4, no volume-limit applied, same volume via appleMusic service, same volume from ARC-HDMI connection from appleTv

It may be worth generating a Diagnostics report here, and see whether Sonos staff can see any issues. 

It may be worth generating a Diagnostics report here, and see whether Sonos staff can see any issues. 

Yea already sent them and they saw no issues.

Not sure what to suggest then. Only idea is: You can get sound meter apps for phones - though it wouldn’t necessarily be a calibrated result, it should be reasonably consistent. Take a few measurements of your system at different volume settings using a specific input source; then measure another one to compare. Send Sonos the readings for your Arc and see if they are as expected. 

Do you have the same issue if you toggle true play off?

do you have the same issue if you play Spotify through the Sonos app and not through airplay?

what about through Spotify connect via the Spotify app?

how about volume when watching tv?


try a few variables and see what is consistent and what isn’t