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Hey guys!

I am moving to a new place and in my head I am planning how and where to setup my TV and my Sonos Gear (Sonos Arc, Sub, One surrounds).

The living room is quite large, has a lot of big windows, angled ceilings and therefore a lack of opportunities where to place the TV with the Sonos system. I highlighted the area in the photo where TV is supposed to be mounted. (please note that all the furniture in the photo will be replaced.)

I am concerned that the sound is going to be compromised due to the rooms setup. So I would appreciate some suggestions and opinions on this matter.


Thank you and cheers!

Hi @KitingDentist 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

The complex shapes above your marked location for the TV would cause a problem for the Arc trying to recreate the height channels - the Arc relies on the sound bouncing off your ceiling to arrive in your ears so I don’t think the 45 degree angle on one side or the ceiling beam above it will do sound-field reproduction any favours.

I was going to suggest the mirror’s location instead, until I spotted that there’s a staircase there! To be honest, it might still be the best location as far as the Arc is concerned - I think you may have to compromise and decide between ideal sound and practicality (I assume having the TV and Arc mounted on what is essentially the wall for the staircase isn’t practical, though the skilful use of conduits may make it acceptable).

Unless there’s a large enough column of wall between the (French?) windows opposite the bed to mount the TV there? It would affect the view and light of the room, of course, but I don’t know what your priorities are.

I hope this helps.
