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I currently have a playbar, 2 play1s for L and R, and 2 play1s for rear and it works well.

I am moving and in my new house I plan on having a theater room with 2 rows of theater style seats.

I would like to add play1s behind each row for the rear channel.

Is it possible to have 4 play1s for the rear channel?

Maybe 6 play1s if I decide to expand?

@sifuhall A home theater setup with the Playbar is limited to a 5.2 system that consists of the Playbar, up to two Sonos Subs, and only two rear surround speakers (a pair of Play:1s in your case). You can “group” more speakers to this setup (as you seem to have done with the “2 play1s for L and R”) but they aren’t technically part of your 5.0 surround setup. You could have 20 Play:1s set up in your theater room but only two would actually be part of the 5.0 system. 

So to answer your question... no, you cannot have four Play:1s for the rear channels.

Your setup, as it stands, isn’t supported. You can’t get front left and rights with 1s.