I have the Arc + Sub + 2x Ones setup as a surround system. Which is great for TV. But for music I can’t for the life of me work out how to turn off the Arc soundbar so it doesn’t interfere with the stereo presence of the Ones + Sub.
I’ve tried
- setting Ones to “full” (not “ambient”)
- setting "Music Level" in "Surround Audio" to be +15
But I can stil hear the Arc.
Furthermore if I turn up the Ones to +15
- I have to pump the Sub to +15
- AND the Sub still gets lost so I have to boost bass in EQ as well and then it sounds 'off'
- AND if I don't reset the Sub and bass EQ to 0 each time then the next time someone watches TV (think kids in the morning) the whole house shakes.
- AND I can still hear the Arc.
So that's not workable.
How do I get just the Ones in stereo + Sub for music playback? Surely I don't have to disconnect/reconnect the whole surrount system and re-do Trueplay each time I swap between listening to music and TV do I?? Please tell me I’m missing something!
Thanks for your help everyone.