
home theatre play 5 and five

  • 25 June 2021
  • 4 replies

i currently have bought an arc. from earlier i own a play:5 (and a one SL in the bathroom).

does anyone know if I can pair:

  • a play:5gen2 and a five to the arc in order to obtain surround,or does it have to be:
  • 2 fives and arc
  • 2 play:5gen2 and arc?


thanks in advance for advice.


Best answer by Airgetlam 26 June 2021, 01:27

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It has to be a matching pair, so your first option would not work, but your second and third options would work. 

play:5 and Fives are overkill for surround duty with an Arc though.  I would recommend getting 2 One SLs. and either sell your play:5 or repurpose to a different room.

play:5 and Fives are overkill for surround duty with an Arc though.  I would recommend getting 2 One SLs. and either sell your play:5 or repurpose to a different room.

Yes, propably overkill, but nevertheless (sorry english is not my 1st launguage) is it possible with one speaker being p"lay:5gen2" and one being five?

I also use them for music only.

Maybe i should just buy two more one sl and keeo my beloved play:5 as music only. (This starts to be way more expencive than planned)


You can not mix speakers as surrounds, so it is not possible.

As suggested, a pair of One SLs would be optimum for surround duty, and you could use your PLAY:5 as a music speaker in another room. 

You can not stereo pair the PLAY:5 with the Sonos Five, either, however you can “group” them so that they’re both playing the same music.