I have an arc, with a sub bonded. Works fine via WiFi. I added an Amp, also on WiFi and tried to bond it as surrounds to the arc via WiFi. It would not work after many attempts to bind as surrounds.
The amp is less than 8 feet away from the arc. (Note that I had two OneSL used as surrounds via WiFi with the arc and it worked fine but I need to use the in ceiling speakers )
Then I wired the amp, not the arc. I was able to get it to bond, with a warning that the arc should also be wired, but I ignored it and it successfully bonded. However there seemed to be little to no sound coming from the amp speakers. (This might be a bug I imagine - or the warning is really an error outright that should stop the binding. )
So I then wired the arc and the sub too, then rebonded the amp as a surround. Now all is working , but everything is wired ( I disabled WiFi on amp, sub and arc after it all worked wired to try to avoid stp problems in my network which is Ubiquiti ).
I would really prefer not to have this wired. It’s very inconvenient,
So : should the arc and amp be able to bond via WiFi ? I realize they may need to still use the sonosnet for the sound distribution… but that should be fine based on how far they are apart.
if they should work via WiFi, what should I do differently? Note I did it all in the correct order ( multiple times ) and set the amp up first then bonded it, and my home WiFi is excellent.